With Art being such a valuable tool for communicating messages, I've been looking at what it exactly we can say through the Arts for our 2012 Outreaches.
Yes, I want to communicate the message of the cross and Jesus love but what specifically?
What was Jesus passionate about?
'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.' James 1:27
So I have begun researching more specifically on topics that are raised by the Olympics coming to the UK.
I came across this article on the recent Commonwealth Games - 'Why we Mustn't forget Delhi 2010'.
With reports of over 100 workers dying during the construction of facilities and a surge young girls allegedly being lured to Delhi for work at the Games, only to be sold into prostitution, the world's media criticized India's handle of the event. But this article warns us:
'It might be easy to feel complacent about all this, and to assume that the scandals that dogged the Games exist only in less developed countries.
But although it's not likely that young children will be involved in the construction of London 2012 facilities, child trafficking is very much alive and kicking in our capital. And a high proportion of the people building our state-of-the art velodrome, the stadium, swimming pools and running tracks are agency workers, many of them migrants, who are often at particular risk of abuse.
And don't forget the hundreds of thousands of workers around the world who will be involved in producing athletes' uniforms, sportswear and footwear, equipment and official Olympics promotional merchandise. All of these people, as poor, low- and semi-skilled workers, are also vulnerable to exploitation.'
It is easy and often tempting to get overwhelmed by these issues. To sit back and feel like this is too big of an issue, and actually what can one person do? But we can do something. Legacy for the London games was at the heart of our government's successful Olympic bid. This legacy should extend to protecting the rights of all the people involved in bringing it to fruition.
Just one step is to tell Adidas, Nike and Speedo to raise the bar on workers rights.
Another of course is to pray specifically. The above link has amazing resources and information about issues and those vulnerable to exploitation. Why no read them and PRAY for those involved.
'He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?' Micah 6:8
It is my heart to use art to communicate these issues but, until my team grows there is only so much one artist can do!
SO! I'm in the process of putting together resource ideas for churches and youth groups that use creative methods to explore these issues. From yarn storming to creating murals they are ideas for ways that ANYONE can use art in the place they are now - School, University, their knitting circle, a parent and baby group.
Want to know more about what I'm currently researching?
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