
Monday, 25 October 2010

Start Date + A trip to the boys toilet

Apart from my first weekend of moving to The Oval I have spent each weekend either away or had someone visiting me here. This has been fantastic but draining as it has prevented me from truly settling, finding a weekend routine or a church. So this past weekend I deliberately made no plans.

For the first time since moving here I was able to simply relax and let being here wash over me.

What I didn't expect was that this would be a challenging and for a time, a negative experience. 

I'd found myself questioning a lot recently -namely God's plan for individuals. 
Yes God loves the world and yes salvation is for the world and with me being in the world, I am included in that. 
What is also fantastic is that this is predetermined, God predestined us to be conformed to his will and that, being all powerful and all knowing, he is in control of this entire process, no credit to us.
But this was also the problem. 
If God doesn't need our help then why am I doing what I'm doing? 
I don't consider myself as an individual important in this plan, and in a way I know that that's because I'm not. God is big enough to work without the help of Catherine Evans and thank goodness for that!
But with the honeymoon period over and feeling fairly out of my depth, this is not always a comfort. Maybe I would be more effective somewhere else? 
Maybe this isn't the job for me and I heard God wrong?
Maybe it doesn't even matter where I am?

And so the mental conversation went.  

Until this morning. 

I was in the office and felt the call of nature. Upon finding the ladies toilet was occupied, and lacking the time to hang around, I decided to use the gents. Men being men, there was a book on the window ledge and I thought I'd check out the message for the day. Below is the page on to which it fell. 

My Utmost for his Highest - October 25th -  Oswald Chambers

 'Never protest by saying "If only I were somewhere else!" All of God's people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose He has given them... We are not workers for God by choice. John 15:16 "I chose you..." Keep these words as a wonderful reminder in your theology... Never choose to be a worker, but once God has placed His call upon you, woe be to you if you "turn aside... to the right or the left..." Deuteronomy 28:14. He will do with you what He never did before His call came to you, and He will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way.'

God's pretty awesome really.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Start Date + The Fumble Factor

This weekend I had a wedding to go to and in true Catherine-style I was looking forward to getting dressed-up. Of course, looking good for the event is one thing but I decided to go one step further and look good while traveling too.
So on went my smart coat, my 'Too-Expensive-Now-I-Don't-Work-In-A-Shoe-Shop' boots and my celebrity-sized sun-glasses, ready for an Autumnal outing.
But what about my luggage?
Having been back-packing for most of my traveling days, and the weekend requiring slightly more than my usual hand-luggage bag I decided that I needed to find a suitable suitcase because that's what grown-ups do and I, am a grown-up.
Or at least giving it a trial run and so borrow a suitcase from my room-mates French boyfriend.
But not just any suitcase. No, this was a retro blue roll-along suitcase with tan leather trimming and 'Axel' embossed on the side. In gold.
In it I could fit everything I needed and plenty of things I totally didn't.
A traveling girls dream, stylishly coordinated and ready to go with me on my little adventure through London town. Win.
 Being the over-organisation-icon that I am, I had timed myself to perfection, leaving a 10-minute 'fumble factor' to account for any unforeseen eventualities. In the past these have ranged from spilling tea over my outfit or getting a ladder in my tights to someone phoning and not taking the 'I'm literally just on my way out' hint. Little did I know this day had things in store that even the fumble factor couldn't buffer against.
Firstly, I decided to add an 'essential' last-minute item to my baggage (glitter spray) and upon doing so I jammed the case open, unable to fit the latch back together.
However, after my tried and tested problem solving method of mumbling expletives and some gentle persuasion with a heavy book, I was ready to go.

Only 2 minutes lost. 8 minutes of fumble factor intact.

 Out I strode, the sun was shining, my hair was shining, the gold embossed name of Axel was also, shining. I was not a missionary but an independent woman about town - or at least on my way to town. Beyonce would be proud.
 Axel though seemed to have other plans. Despite my obvious preference to move forward, it decided to move side to side and considering it didn't have multi-directional wheels, this was quite the failed ambition.
Since when does a small wheelie case, employed to ease my needs dictate my journey time?!
 I felt like I was pulling a small apathetic child with me, feet dragging behind. So, as means of encouragement, I found myself audibly talking to my luggage.
In French.
'Axel, viens'
Apparently hearing my plea, Axel quickens its pace, WHACKing into my ankles.
This Stop.Sideways-roll.Start-forward-roll-.Stop -wheel-jam episode was slowing me down and glancing at my watch, my fumble factor being eaten in to by another 4 minutes.
Only 4 more to go.
I was getting considerably annoyed at this objectionable device and found myself picking it up to speed my journey only to put it down again thinking that, much like a child, it would never learn if I don't give it a chance.
 I'm not quite sure where this logic came from.
Maybe it was because my frustration was mounting and I wanted the situation to resolve itself.
Maybe I wanted to deffer responsibility from myself onto the suitcase.
What ever the thought process was, it was wrong.

Yet worse was to come. Despite my religious coating of perfume I began to detect a scent that was distinctly not Calvin-Klein made. It was in fact, distinctly animal-made.
Looking round I see Axel glide into a pile of poo


The expletive leaves my mouth and I find myself wanting to discipline a suitcase (because it should have known better).
 I pictured it as a child, making the conscious yet misguided choice to trail its path through the offending pile and, being enthusiastic about the situation, wanting me to share in this experience.

Predictably though, I failed to share this excitement and yet it was of course at this very moment that Axel re-commenced his ability to hit into my ankles and dress my boots in a halo of processed animal food.
My remaining 4 minutes of fumble factor was decreasing by the second and far from looking the picture of independent woman I was getting hot and increasingly delirious in my dialogue with Axel.
'Why Axel? Why didn't you look where you were going?'
'Why would you do this to me?' '
'My life would be better without you!' (That's right, not 'this journey would have been easier' without you but 'my LIFE would have been better without you. Good grief.)

Already rushed and hassled, I arrive at the train station to find a woman totally failing to buy a ticket for herself and her child. As a frequent traveler I realise that the lightening speed at which I can retrieve tickets is comparatively super human. I also have to remind myself that this is probably not a frequent event for this family and looking at the excitement on the child's face this is more likely, a Saturday treat.

So I stand there and I find myself wishing that Axel were as appreciative and well behaved as this child. As it happens, it sits at my feet blissfully unaware of the annoyance it has caused me.
My previously impenetrable fumble factor has been destroyed.
It was going to be no match for a wheelie case from France.

Start Date + Films

This is a trailer for a film that opens in UK cinemas tonight - I heard about it on Monday night at the Artisan London network prayer meeting. The producer and some of the production team are part of this network and it was really awesome to come together to pray about the work that they have done and pray for the films success. They did of course emphasise that this is for God's glory and not for their own - they are such a humble team just eager to use their gifts as acts of worship to God. 


Friday, 15 October 2010

Quotation time

LB - "The thing with Catherine Evans is that sometimes she puts words into sentences that just shouldn't be said together. But its ok because she's Catherine Evans."

Start date +Spinning

Sometimes in the office we do important work. Other times we don't.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

'The music that really turns me on is either running toward God or away from God. Both recognize the pivot, that God is at the center of the jaunt.' Bono

Monday, 11 October 2010

Start Date + 37 days - Music...

God has really been speaking to me through secular music at the moment: Both challenging what I listen to and also the division I put between the spiritual and secular. So often I'll listen to Christian artists and leave myself more open to God yet in doing this I'm confining God to a box. I rarely put my thoughts into words outside of my journal but these are some ideas on a song I've been playing a lot recently. I've tried to get it as coherent as possible but I'm not entirely there yet...

Dashboard Confessional - Get me Right
I made my slow way home
Limping on broken bones
Out of the thickest pine
Across the county lines
On to your wooden stairs
I know you can repair
I know you've seen the light
I know you'll get me right



I own a sinners heart

I know the rain falls hard
I know the currency
I know the things you'll need
I hope he hears my prayers
I see you cut your hair
I know the saving type
I know you'll get me right



But, Jesus I've fallen

I don't mind the rain if
I meet my maker
I'll meet my maker clean

But, Jesus the truth is

I've struggled so hard to believe
I'll meet my maker
I'll need my maker

To cure of my doubting blood

And drain me of the sins I love
And take from me my disbelief
I know it should come easily
But it remains inside of me
It battles and devours me
It cuddles up the side of me
And whispers it convinces me I'm


This song is a pretty challenging vocalisation of the mental, and sometimes physical struggle between sin and grace. The lyricist, Chris Carrabba is not overtly Christian but clearly has an understanding of grace and faith.

He puts into words better than I could, an honest confession of the hopelessness at attempting to achieve salvation alone. 
In his opening verse I'd suggest that Carrabba is referring to the cross of Jesus in his lyrics:
"your wooden stairs". 
He knows that only Jesus can repair him, and as the stairway to heaven His cross bridges the chasm between us and God.
“You shall see greater things than that, I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” John 1:51 (referring to Jacob's Ladder in Genesis 28:12-17, that as the Son of Man, Jesus is the ladder between heaven and earth, an opening of communication and communion with God)
Carrabba also knows that this relationship doesn't come cheap. His lyrics recognise 'the currency', the price paid for this, as the life and blood of Christ and that these are the only things that will allow him "To meet his Maker clean"  

The passion of his words and the drive of the music has echos of Paul's struggle in his letter to the Romans:

 Romans 7 'I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! 

And don't we all struggle with this? Grace is so MASSIVE, it is overwhelming and we just don't deserve it. But the truth is Grace is a gift given for free, it is up to us to receive it.
Over the summer I was a small group leader at a Christian camp and we were studying Romans 8;reflecting on how we relate to Paul's struggle with sin and grace. For a number of the girls in the group they found God's grace too big to handle and almost too big to accept, condemning themselves despite God granting them freedom. After the session I sought advice from my Pastor on how to handle their questions and his answer surprised me. He said that it didn't matter if they 'felt' saved, or if they 'felt' good enough for grace. The fact is none of us are good enough, 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' (Romans 3:23). But that doesn't stop it also being a fact that we ARE saved. Grace DOES cover us and saying that it doesn't says that Jesus death isn't enough for us. 

Would we really ask Jesus to do more than die for our sins?

Dashboard Confessional - Get Me Right Lyrics @

Start Date + Intercession

Part of life here on the base is Monday morning Intercession. All the staff and students come together for one hour of specific prayer for a country, ministry or topic. This morning's session was led by the School of Documentary Film Making and began with a section from a film they had made to raise awareness of infanticide among indigenous tribes in Brazil. 

Enjoy might not be the right word, but I am passionate about intercession.
Ezekiel 22:30 talks of God's desire for reconciliation in the earth and how '[He] looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before [Him] in the gap on behalf of the land' 

Sometimes, particularly first thing on a Monday morning, I might not feel passion for praying for people or a country I don't know but i need to remind myself that GOD is passionate about his people. He knows those he created and desires to move amongst the, bringing justice and mercy. 

Below is the film shown this morning. Some of its content is quite harrowing and I challenge myself to not be apathetic or hard-hearted to it. This morning I joked that I wish I prayed like an African, loud and with real emotion, the Lord clearly hear because tears promptly came to my eyes, confronting my British reserve and self-protection.

Reassuringly though I know that when God will breaks my heart for what breaks His, His power also heals it.
'Streams of tears flow from my eyes because my people are destroyed. My eyes will flow unceasingly, without relief, until the LORD looks down from heaven and sees' – Lamentations 3:48-50

QUEBRANDO O SILÊNCIO from André on Vimeo.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Start Date + Music

These are some Christian guys who form a Glasgow-based band. Sigur Ros or Explosions In the Sky-esque music treated as worship. Pretty awesome music that I like a lot!